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Defining routes

When using Inertia, all of your application's routes are defined server-side. This means that you don't need Vue Router or React Router. Instead, you can simply define Rails routes and return Inertia responses from those routes.

Shorthand routes

If you have a page that doesn't need a corresponding controller method, like an "FAQ" or "about" page, you can route directly to a component via the inertia method.

inertia 'about' => 'AboutComponent'

Generating URLs

Some server-side frameworks allow you to generate URLs from named routes. However, you will not have access to those helpers client-side. Here are a couple ways to still use named routes with Inertia.

The first option is to generate URLs server-side and include them as props. Notice in this example how we're passing the edit_url and create_url to the Users/Index component.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render inertia: 'Users/Index', props: {
      users: do |user|
          only: [ :id, :name, :email ]
          edit_url: edit_user_path(user)
      create_url: new_user_path

Another option is to use JsRoutes or JS From Routes gems that make named server-side routes available on the client via autogenerated helpers.